Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Hizbullah beri tentangan sengit
SERANGAN pejuang Hizbullah menghalang kemaraan tentera Israel yang meneruskan serangan buat hari yang ke-13 di sempadan Lebanon, semalam. - Reuters.
BEIRUT 24 Julai – Pertempuran sengit meletus hari ini antara pejuang Hizbullah dengan askar Israel yang mara lebih jauh ke selatan Lebanon untuk memasuki satu lagi kubu kuat pergerakan itu.
Tentera Israel menyatakan sekurang-kurangnya sembilan askarnya cedera.
Bagaimanapun stesen televisyen Al- Jazeera melaporkan dua askar Yahudi terbunuh dan ramai lagi cedera dalam pertempuran dekat kampung Maroun Al-Ras, di sempadan Israel-Lebanon yang ditawan oleh askar Israel kelmarin.
Satu kenyataan Hizbullah pula menyebut pejuangnya telah membedil lima kereta kebal Israel dan askar di dalamnya terbunuh atau cedera.
Askar Israel menawan puncak sebuah bukit di pekan Bint Jbail berikutan bedilan sengit dengan meriam tetapi belum menawan pekan itu.
Bunyi tembakan dan letupan kedengaran hampir berterusan di selatan Lebanon dari sempadan sebelah Israel dan kepulan asap tebal memenuhi ruang udara.
Askar Israel yang cedera kelihatan diusung balik ke Israel.
Bint Jbail terletak kira-kira dua kilometer ke utara Maroun Al-Ras, satu lagi kubu kuat Hizbullah.
Pada hujung minggu askar Israel menawan Maroun Al-Ras yang terletak tidak sampai 500 meter dari sempadan.
Tentera Israel menyatakan operasi tentera daratnya di Lebanon diperluaskan setelah dihadkan sebelum ini kepada serangan terhadap sasaran tertentu dekat sempadan.
“Skop operasi terus diperluaskan dan kami meneruskan kemaraan,” kata Brigedier Jeneral Alon Friedman kepada Radio Tentera Israel
Friedman berkata, operasi itu akan diteruskan sehingga 10 hari bagi mencapai matlamat yang kami tetapkan termasuk untuk menghentikan serangan roket Hizbullah.
Serangan Israel setakat ini telah membunuh sekurang-kurangnya 381 orang di Lebanon termasuk 20 askar dan 11 pejuang Hizbullah, kata pegawai keselamatan.
Ratusan ribu rakyat Lebanon telah melarikan diri.
Sejumlah 37 rakyat Israel terbunuh meliputi 17 penduduk awam yang terkena bedilan roket Hizbullah dan 20 askar terbunuh dalam pertempuran itu.
– Agensi

Monday, July 24, 2006
Friday, July 21, 2006
THE A.C.A.B. was originally formed as a Street Rock band, A.C.A.B. ('94-'03) back in 1994. The founding members were Max Hafiz (Megat Hafiz) & Edy J Herwan, both KL City based lads played in the same previous band before. Hardy Sham, Black & Anas later joined and A.C.A.B. started gigging across almost each & every states in Malaysia right after releasing a self-titled demo in '95. A.C.A.B. then recorded an EP, followed by 3 albums with 2 Live albums and also few singles, another EP, compilations & tribute albums with several line up changes occurred during the whole process. Zul, Botak & Irfan were among others who also played with A.C.A.B. on various recordings & gigs/concerts. A.C.A.B. latter enjoyed the recognitions of being the Godfather of Eastern Oi!/Street Rock & inspired the birth of Ska music in Malaysia.A.C.A.B. played the very last gig in '03 & while Max (also formerly known as Magskin) had to leave the country, other former band members were & still are enjoying quite successful musical careers with their own bands respectively such as Edy J with Gerhana Ska Cinta & Irfan with The Times. A 'Tribute to A.C.A.B.' album was then recorded by various bands in '04 & it marked the end of an era of the 'Absolute Charismatic Asian Band' and it sparked a revival of the Eastern Oi! movement from the new generation.After being an absentee for 2 years, Max has decided to have another go at it. Accompanied by former band members, Edy J & Irfan with the newly appointed Mono, THE A.C.A.B. is born. It's 'THE' A.C.A.B., or pronounced as D' A.C.A.B. (English anyone?) But this time it's a different agenda altogether. World domination (yeah, right..). Blistering new sounds of Indie Rock with no limitations or boundaries whatsoever. The whole idea of it is simply for the freedom of expressions & to offer an alternative to the Malaysian music industry specifically & to introduce THE A.C.A.B.'s mixture of Asian & western melodies on independent rock music to the rest of the world, generally. For real? Possibly.. Rock & Roll? Definitely...The debut album, 'This Is THE A.C.A.B.' is out now! For more information go to www.theacab.com

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Hizbullah, Yahudi bertempur
BEIRUT: Tentera Israel bertempur dengan pejuang Hizbullah di sempadan Lubnan semalam dengan kemalangan jiwa dilaporkan membabitkan kedua-dua belah pihak.
Hizbullah mendakwa tiga askar Israel maut dalam pertempuran dengan kumpulan itu semalam.Stesen televisyen Al Manar melaporkan, kumpulan Hizbullah membedil sebuah pangkalan tentera udara Israel, kira-kira 30 batu dari sempadan Lubnan. Namun, Israel sebaliknya menyangkal dakwaan itu.Jika benar, ia adalah serangan Hizbullah paling jauh ke dalam utara Israel sejak pertempuran lebih seminggu lamanya.Pegawai tentera Yahudi mendakwa askarnya menceroboh ke kawasan sempadan Lubnan bagi mencari terowong dan senjata.Hizbullah sebaliknya mendakwa dapat mematahkan cubaan masuk tentera Israel di bandar Naqoura, juga dengan kemalangan jiwa membabitkan dua belah pihak.Tentera Israel mengesahkan berlakunya tiga pertempuran dengan Hizbullah di sempadan dan ada di antara askarnya cedera, tetapi enggan mengulas lanjut.Stesen Al Manar dimiliki Hizbullah mendakwa, tiga askar Yahudi maut dan tiga lain cedera, namun itu tidak dapat disahkan.Israel yang lazimnya mengehadkan serangannya dari udara dan laut, keberatan menghantar tentera daratnya kerana menyedari Hizbullah jauh lebih biasa dengan persekitaran tempatan serta sejarah kegagalan penaklukan Israel selama 18 tahun yang berakhir pada 2000.Pertempuran itu hanya menjejaskan usaha diplomatik mewujudkan gencatan senjata dan menghantar pasukan pengaman baru bagi membantu 2,000 askar antarabangsa di selatan Lubnan.Israel kelmarin menyatakan kesediaannya memerangi pejuang Hizbullah buat beberapa minggu lagi. – AP

ANGGOTA tentera dan sukarelawan mengebumikan mayat mangsa tsunami dalam satu kubur besar di Pangandaran, semalam. - AFP.
PANGANDARAN 19 Julai – Korban bencana tsunami di selatan Pulau Jawa meningkat kepada sekurang-kurangnya 550 orang hari ini setelah pasukan kecemasan menemui puluhan mayat di celah-celah sampah sarap yang ditinggalkan oleh ombak besar itu kelmarin.
Lebih 280 lagi disenaraikan hilang manakala 700 mangsa cedera, kata pegawai di jabatan kebajikan masyarakat, Heri hari ini.
“Kami meneruskan usaha mencari mangsa, mudah-mudahan kami akan menemui mereka yang masih hidup,” kata pegawai polis, Kapten Joko.
Gempa bumi 7.7 pada skala Richter kelmarin mencetuskan ombak setinggi dua meter yang menghempas kawasan pantai sepanjang 180 kilometer di Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Barat yang terlepas daripada bencana tsunami Asia 2004.
Ombak itu memusnahkan rumah, restoran dan hotel manakala bot, kereta serta motosikal dihanyutkan ratusan meter ke pedalaman.
Pusat Amaran Tsunami Pasifik di Hawaii serta Agensi Meteorologi Jepun mengeluarkan amaran mengenai ancaman tsunami.
Ombak besar itu melanda pantai selatan Jawa sekitar 45 minit kemudian.
Menteri Sains dan Teknologi Indonesia, Kusmayanto Kadiman cuba menafikan kenyataan semalam bahawa kerajaan menerima kedua-dua amaran tetapi tidak berusaha untuk mengumumkan amaran tersebut.
Beliau memberitahu radio el-Shinta bahawa agensi meteorologi kerajaan mengirim mesej SMS kepada sekurang-kurangnya 400 pegawai dan salah seorang kakitangan beliau muncul di kaca televisyen nasional untuk memberi amaran tentang tsunami.
Bagaimanapun Kusmayanto tidak menyatakan sama ada tindakan itu diambil sebelum tsunami melanda pantai atau sama ada 400 pegawai berkenaan tinggal di kawasan pantai yang terancam.
Tambahan pula tanpa sebarang semboyan amaran atau penggera di pantai, menyampaikan mesej kepada penduduk dan pelancong yang ramai adalah mustahil.
Gegaran tidak dirasai oleh kebanyakan orang di pantai.
Seorang pemanggil yang menelefon stesen el-Shinta menuduh Kusmayanto membuat ‘cerita dongeng’ mengenai rentetan kejadian itu.
– AP- Utusan Online

Tuesday, July 18, 2006
PuNk NewS
“BUAT apa lagi tulis ini semua. Ini cerita basi. Dah tak ada modal ke?” Itulah antara maklum balas yang Tabib dan rakan terima apabila beberapa minggu lalu Harian Metro sekali lagi membongkar bahaya gejala Black Metal di kalangan remaja Melayu di negara ini.
Tabib tidak terkejut jika maklum balas serupa bakal diterima apabila dalam edisi Metro Ahad hari ini kami dedahkan pula pengaruh aliran punk yang kami rasa sama bahayanya dengan gejala Black Metal.
Tabib tidak menafikan memang Black Metal dan punk adalah cerita lama atau isu basi, namun kami terpanggil untuk terus mengetengahkannya kerana mendapati tiada usaha bersungguh-sungguh untuk membanteras dan menyekat perkembangannya.
Tabib ulangi, usaha itu ada tapi tidak bersungguh-sungguh. Tabib membuat rumusan ini selepas puas membelek laporan akhbar yang menyiarkan ulasan pelbagai pihak berikutan pendedahan berterusan Harian Metro mengenai bahaya Black Metal pada 2001.
Ketika itu, isu Black Metal bukan saja dibincangkan oleh polis, orang politik dan pertubuhan bukan kerajaan, tapi hingga ke persidangan mufti, mesyuarat Kabinet serta persidangan Dewan Rakyat di Parlimen.
Macam-macam usul dan cadangan dikemukakan, tapi apakah hasilnya? Kini selepas empat tahun, keadaan masih tidak berubah, malah semakin teruk.
Sedangkan, menurut Penasihat Undang-undang Pertubuhan Kebajikan Islam dan Dakwah Wilayah Persekutuan Daerah Bukit Bintang, Ahmad Shuaib yang juga peguam, ada peruntukan undang-undang yang membolehkan pihak berkuasa mengambil tindakan terhadap pengikut Black Metal, punk, skinhead dan sebagainya.
Jadi, apa kesimpulannya? Bagi Tabib, ia sekadar mengesahkan sikap orang kita yang hanya banyak bercakap tapi kurang bekerja.
Maaf jika ada pihak tersinggung, namun bagi Tabib, ini hakikat. Jika kita bersungguh-sungguh dan ada tindakan konkrit untuk menyekat pengaruh Black Metal dan punk, isu ini pasti tidak timbul lagi sekarang.
Kepada pihak yang sering memperlekehkan tindakan media membongkar gejala negatif di kalangan masyarakat kita, ingin Tabib peringatkan jangan pentingkan diri.
Kalian menganggap masalah ini kecil mungkin disebabkan belum terkena batang hidung sendiri. Kalau dah kena, barulah nak melenting dan salahkan orang lain.
Bagi Tabib dan rakan sekerja yang lain, menjadi tanggungjawab kami melapor dan mengetengahkan kepincangan dalam masyarakat kita. Hanya itu yang kami mampu. Untuk melaksanakan tindakan dan penguatkuasaan, itu tugas pihak berwajib.
Selepas ini, Tabib akan melihat perkembangan seterusnya. Adakah keadaan akan berubah atau kami perlu menulis lagi cerita Black Metal dan punk ini pada tahun depan, 2007, 2008 dan seterusnya.
pertama menaikkan aliran PUNK ialah vocalist Sex Pistols, Sid Dicious. dan oleh pengurusnya sendiri, Malcolm McLarren seorang yahudi. (sendiri mau ingatt )

ManA2 NeGara BerHak MemPerTahanKan KedaulataN SenDiri
Peluru berpandu Taepodong (dilancarkan 1998)
Dua pusingan Ujian Peluru Berpandu telah dilancarkan Korea Utara pada 5 Julai, 2006. Korea Utara dilaporkan melancarkan sebanyak tujuh peluru berpandu berasingan.[1]. Ini termasuk dua peluru berpandu berjarak dekat Nodong-2, satu peluru berpandu Scud dan sehinggakan dua peluru berpandu jarak jauh Taepodong-2[2] yang dipercayai boleh sampai ke bahagian barat Amerika Syarikat termasuk negeri Alaska dan bahagian barat Kanada. Sesetengah pemerhati, seperti Menteri Luar Negeri Australia Alexander Downer, percaya yang Korea Utara akan cuba melancarkan lagi ujian peluru berpandu pada hari-hari akan datang.[3] Ia dilaporkan juga oleh saluran media NBC pada 5 Julai 2006 yang peluru berpandu Taepodong-2 kedua atau ketiga mungkin akan dilancarkan dalam masa terdekat.
Tidak seperti yang dilaporkan kebanyakan saluran media, ujian ini bukannya ujian kali pertama Korea Utara semenjak tahun 1998, atau yang pertama sejak satu persefahaman mengenai peluru berpandu telah dimeterai pada 13 September 1999 (disahkan 2004) dan Deklarasi Pyongyang 2002 antara Korea Utara dan Jepun. Korea Utara telahpun tidak mengotakan janjinya pada persefahaman-persefahaman di atas apabilia ia melancarkan ujian peluru Nodong-B pada 17 Januari 2006[4].
Peluru berpandu Taepodong (dilancarkan 1998)
Dua pusingan Ujian Peluru Berpandu telah dilancarkan Korea Utara pada 5 Julai, 2006. Korea Utara dilaporkan melancarkan sebanyak tujuh peluru berpandu berasingan.[1]. Ini termasuk dua peluru berpandu berjarak dekat Nodong-2, satu peluru berpandu Scud dan sehinggakan dua peluru berpandu jarak jauh Taepodong-2[2] yang dipercayai boleh sampai ke bahagian barat Amerika Syarikat termasuk negeri Alaska dan bahagian barat Kanada. Sesetengah pemerhati, seperti Menteri Luar Negeri Australia Alexander Downer, percaya yang Korea Utara akan cuba melancarkan lagi ujian peluru berpandu pada hari-hari akan datang.[3] Ia dilaporkan juga oleh saluran media NBC pada 5 Julai 2006 yang peluru berpandu Taepodong-2 kedua atau ketiga mungkin akan dilancarkan dalam masa terdekat.
Tidak seperti yang dilaporkan kebanyakan saluran media, ujian ini bukannya ujian kali pertama Korea Utara semenjak tahun 1998, atau yang pertama sejak satu persefahaman mengenai peluru berpandu telah dimeterai pada 13 September 1999 (disahkan 2004) dan Deklarasi Pyongyang 2002 antara Korea Utara dan Jepun. Korea Utara telahpun tidak mengotakan janjinya pada persefahaman-persefahaman di atas apabilia ia melancarkan ujian peluru Nodong-B pada 17 Januari 2006[4].
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Punk-O-Rama Vol. 10 is the tenth and final compilation album in the Punk-O-Rama series. The following year saw the startof Epitaph Records' new compilation series, Unsound.
have the same song on each, with "Anchors Aweigh"and "Riot, Riot, Riot" respectively.
Although most of the tracks on the CD were previously released, this entry features more unreleased tracks than any other inthe series. "Shoot Me in the Smile" by The Matches, "Mixin' Up Adjectives" by This Is Me Smiling, "From the Tops of Trees"by Scatter the Ashes, "Mission from God" by The Offspring, "Bloodstain" by Pulley and "Not the Way" by The SpecialGoodness" were all previously unreleased as was the live version of "Anchors
1 Track listing 1.1 CD 1.2 DVD 2 External links
1."When "You're" Around" – Motion City Soundtrack – 2:50
1."Ride the Wings of Pestilence" – From First To Last

Punk-O-Rama Vol. 9 is the ninth compilation album in the Punk-O-Rama series.
This is the first of two entries to be released as a two-disc with a DVD. The DVD features current music videos by bands onthe CD, with the exception of Randy and Converge who do not appear on the CD. Additionally, of the bands that appear onboth the CD and the DVD, only The Bouncing Souls and Matchbook Romance have the same song on each, with "Sing AlongForever" and "Promise" respectively.
All of the tracks on the CD were previously released except "Seein' Diamonds" by Hot Water Music and "The Plague (live)" byDeath By Stereo.
This is the only entry in the series not to include a song by NOFX.
1 Track listing 1.1 CD
1."Social Suicide" – Bad Religion – 1:35
1."Sing Along Forever" – The Bouncing Souls

This is the only entry in the series to be a two-disc by containing two CDs. The entries following this had two discs, but theywere one CD and one DVD.
The song "Quick Death" is on here in two different forms. The first is the original by Transplants, and the latter is a remix of thattrack by Error.
1 Track listing 1.1 Disc 1 1.2 Disc 2 2 External links
Track listing
Disc 1
1."I Am a Revenant" – The Distillers 2."Don't Call It a Comeback" – Motion City Soundtrack 3."Trusty Chords" – Hot Water Music 4."As Wicked" – Rancid 5."New Day" – The Bouncing Souls 6."The Greatest Fall (Of All Time)" – Matchbook Romance 7."The Idiots Are Taking Over" – NOFX 8."Who We Are" – Bad Religion 9."Trapped In" – Division Of Laura Lee 10."Sink Venice" – Ikara Colt 11."Sweating Blood" – F-Minus 12."Makeshift Patriot" – Sage Francis 13."A New Morning, Changing Weather" – The (International) Noise Conspiracy 14."Welfare Problems" – Randy 15."Thickfreakness" – Black Keys 16."Wasted Words" – Death By Stereo Multimedia track
Disc 2
1."Unstoppable" – Death By Stereo 2."Coup d'Etat" – Refused 3."Holiday in the Sun" – Pennywise 4."Gonna Be a Blackout Tonight" – Dropkick Murphys 5."Quick Death" – Transplants 6."Bird Sings Why the Caged I Knows" – Atmosphere 7."Train of Flesh" – Turbonegro 8."Incorporeal" – Tiger Army 9."Bowmore" – Millencolin 10."The Ocean Song" – Pulley 11."Contribution" – Guttermouth 12."Warpath" – Bombshell Rocks 13."Get This Right!" – Raised Fist 14."Lose Another Friend" – No Fun At All 15."Roll Around" – US Bombs 16."Shattered Faith" – Bad Religion 17."Quick Death (remix)" – Error
Punk-O-Rama Vol. 7 is the seventh compilation album in the Punk-O-Rama series.
1."Fingers Crossed" – Millencolin – 2:47

Punk-O-Rama Vol. 6 is the sixth compilation album in the Punk-O-Rama series.
All of the songs were previously released except for five of them. The unreleased tracks are "Blackeye" by Millencolin, "We'reDesperate" by Pennywise, "Original Me" by Descendents, "Let Me In" by Beatsteaks and "Bath of Least Resistance" byNOFX. Pennywise perform "We're Desperate" with Exene Cervenka, who is from X which is the band that originallyperformed the song. "Original Me" by Descendents was originally performed by ALL, which is interesting as those two bandsshare ¾ of their members. "Bath of Least Resistance" by NOFX was later released on their rarities compilation 45 or 46 SongsThat Weren't Good Enough to Go on Our Other Records.
1."Can I Borrow Some Ambition?" – Guttermouth – 2:20

Punk-O-Rama Vol. 5 is the fifth compilation album in the Punk-O-Rama series.
This is the only entry in the series not to include a song by Bad Religion.
1."Pump up the Valuum" – NOFX – 1:46

All of the tracks were previously unreleased except the first track, "Fight It" by Pennywise.
This was the first entry to include bands from the Swedish Burning Heart Records label, which has it's material distributed byEpitaph Records in North America.
Track listing
1."Fight It" – Pennywise – 2:15

Released June 30, 1998 Recorded Genre Punk rock
Label Epitaph Records Producer(s) Various Professional reviews All Music Guide link Punk-O-Rama chronology Punk-O-Rama Vol. 2 (1996) Punk-O-Rama Vol. 3 (1998) Punk-O-Rama Vol. 4 (1999)
Punk-O-Rama III is the third compilation album in the Punk-O-Rama series.This entry features two previously unreleased tracks, "We Threw Gasoline on the Fire and Now We Have Stumps for Armsand No Eyebrows" by NOFX and "Wake Up" by Pennywise. NOFX's track was later released on their rarities compilation 45or 46 Songs That Weren't Good Enough to Go on Our Other Records.
3."World's on Heroin" – ALL
4."Say Anything" – Bouncing Souls
5."Delinquent Song" – Voodoo Glow Skulls
6."Everready" – H2O
7."Greed Motivates" – Straight Faced
8."Telepath Boy" – Zeke
9."Never Connected" – Union Thirteen
10."Gotta Go" – Agnostic Front
11."Defiled" – New Bomb Turks
12."Haulass Hyena" – The Cramps
13."Rats in the Hallway" – Rancid
14."Steel-Toed Sneakers" – Humpers
15."Bad Seed" – Wayne Kramer
16."Rotten Egg" – Gas Huffer
17."Poison Steak" – Red Aunts
18."No Equalizer" – Down By Law
19."Alright" – Osker
20."A.D.D." – Ten Foot Pole
21."7 Years" – Undeclinable Ambuscade
22."You" – Bad Religion
23."Nailed To The Floor" – I Against I
24."3 Times 75" – Looking Up
25."Time's Up" – Burning Heads
26."If" – Pulley 27."Wake Up" – Pennywise

Punk-O-Rama Vol. 2
December 3, 1996
Punk rock
Epitaph Records
Professional reviews
All Music Guide link
Punk-O-Rama chronology
Punk-O-Rama Vol. 1(1994)
Punk-O-Rama Vol. 2(1996)
Punk-O-Rama Vol. 3(1998)
Punk-O-Rama Vol. 2 is the second compilation in the Punk-O-Rama series. This was the first entry to be released at a low price, so that it was more appealing for someone to buy to check out Epitaph's artists.
All of the songs were previously released with the exception of DFL's "Thought Control". Me First and the Gimme Gimmes' cover of Billy Joel's "Only the Good Die Young" made it's CD debut here, as it was previously only available on Billy, a vinyl single released by the band.
Track listing
"Coffee Mug" – Descendents – :34
"Perfect People" – Pennywise – 3:03
"Cashed In" – Pulley – 2:13
"Only the Good Die Young" – Me First and the Gimme Gimmes – 2:48
"Mutate With Me" – Humpers – 2:12
"Sidekick" – Rancid – 2:01
"Bullion" – Millencolin – 2:00
"El Coo Cool" – Voodoo Glow Skulls – 2:37
"Hate" – Joykiller – 2:08
"Code Blue" – TSOL – 2:08
"Whatever Didi Wants" – NOFX – 3:01
"Gruesome Gary" – Down By Law – 3:02
"Just to Get Away" – Poison Idea – 2:30
"Thought Control" – DFL – 2:18
"Don't Have the Cow" – SNFU – 2:38
"Give You Nothing" – Bad Religion – 2:00
"Jukebox Lean" – New Bomb Turks – 2:36

November 18, 1994
Punk rock
Epitaph Records
Punk-O-Rama chronology
Punk-O-Rama Vol. 1(1994)
Punk-O-Rama Vol. 2(1996)
Punk-O-Rama is the first compilation released in the Punk-O-Rama series.
This is the only entry in the series not to include a song by Pulley. Also, this is the only entry to include more than one song by the same band on the CD (however Bad Religion have one song on each of the two CD's that make up Punk-O-Rama Vol. 8). Rancid, NOFX, The Offspring, and Pennywise all have two songs on this album.
Track listing
"Do What You Want" – Bad Religion – 1:06
"Don't Call Me White" – NOFX – 2:33
"Hyena" – Rancid – 2:55
"Session" – The Offspring – 2:32
"Dying to Know" – Pennywise – 3:06
"I Wanna Riot" – Rancid – 3:11
"Riot City" – Total Chaos – 2:20
"Crooked Bird" – Gas Huffer – 3:05
"We're Back We're Pissed" – RKL – 3:39
"Jennifer Lost the War" – The Offspring – 2:34
"Bright Green Globe" – Down By Law – 3:36
"Open Door" – Pennywise – 1:42
"Crack in the Universe" – Wayne Kramer – 4:40
"Liza & Louise" – NOFX – 2:22
"My Wall" – Ten Foot Pole – 2:50
"Reality Is a Ride on the Bus" – SNFU – 3:05
Punk-O-Rama is a series of compilations by Epitaph Records featuring bands from Epitaph and it's off-shoot labels, Hellcat Records, and Burning Heart Records. First released in 1994, they were released every year, with the exception of 1995 and 1997 up until 2005, when the final volume was released.
Despite it's name, the Punk-O-Rama showcased music beyond the punk genre. While that was it's original intention, once Epitaph started expanding it's roster to other genres, the series started to reflect on this. Indie rock and hip-hop tracks started to appear, with examples being on Volume 4, which included Tom Waits' "Big in Japan" and Volumes 8-10 including tracks by Sage Francis, Atmosphere, and Eyedea & Abilities.
The basis of the compilations was to promote the bands on the Epitaph labels. That's the reason that the suggested retail prices of the releases were usually half the price of other new releases. The songs featured on the compilations were both previously released on Epitaph labels and previously unreleased material.
In 2003, a DVD was releasd under the Punk-O-Rama name. It featured music videos that were made throughout Epitaph's history. Although the title indicated it was Volume 1, no other DVDs were released in the series. The next year, however, the Punk-O-Rama CD included a bonus DVD, which featured current music videos for Epitaph artists, most of which appeared on both the CD and DVD. The same was done for the following, and last, entry in the series.
In 2006, Epitaph Records retired the Punk-O-Rama series of compilations. Its replacement is the Unsound series, which had its first release in June, 2006. The reason for the introduction of the new series was that Epitaph wanted to showcase several of its artists that do not fall under the punk genera, and as such chose a non-specific name.
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