Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Know them by their fruit:
....the first shows a USA soldier acknowledging the crimes of killing and raping Iraqis! The second shows an Iraqi girl that has just lost her father who was shot dead in Tal-Afar town after USA troop opened fire at his car in which he was carrying his family.
The shooting was deliberate as witnessed by the number of bullets fired on the car and its driver. The third shows the case of an 8-month pregnant woman who was shot by USA troops on 12 Aug. 2005 in Mosul town. www.iraqirabita.org The bullet got to the chest of the embryo leaving him dead and the mother was severely wounded. A cesarean operation has saved her life, while that baby was the youngest martyr recorded. I call upon you and every kind American to think and imagine the extent of terror Mr. Bush policies has brought to the people of USA and Iraq. I hereby ask you to continue your efforts to stop the war on Iraq in which Mr. Bush has killed from the Iraqis much more than Saddam did! Moreover, Saddam did not kill any American but Mr Bush did and is still doing unless we act to stop him.
22 Sept. 2005 Mohammed Younis Mosul / IRAQ
are we still dream
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